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The Secretariat of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the World Heritage Centre do not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information or documentation provided by the States Parties to the World Heritage Convention to the Secretariat of UNESCO or to the World Heritage Centre.The [url=]louboutin[/url] publication of any such advice, opinion, statement or [url=]barbour uk[/url] other information documentation on the World Heritage Centre's website and/or on working documents also does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever [url=]abercrombie milano[/url] on the part of the Secretariat of UNESCO or of the World Heritage Centre concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area [url=]barbour outlet[/url] or of its boundaries.Property names are listed in the language in which they have been submitted by the State PartyChristianity was introduced in Japan by Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier in 1549 and spread rapidly in the western part of the nation. The Jesuits established their mission base in Nagasaki,where a port of foreign trade with Portugal was developed. The city of Nagasaki played an important role as a key base for the missionary work in Japan.

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